With Pepijn van der Spek Innovation Manager at the Shared Service Center of the Ministery of Internal Affairs.

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month we have lectures, discussions about IoT-related subjects.

Doors open at 18.00 for networking & discussing/showing projects.
Presentations usually start at 19.00 amd end around 20.30 with “open mic” when you can share your own story/event/question.
Location: Codam Coding College, Marineterrein Amsterdam


During or meetups we talk and do Internet-of-Things, Sensors, Arduino, RaspPi, electronics and more. Ranging from projects (Air Quality Egg, Open Thermostat, waterbuoy), presentations (IoT& Blockchain, Security, AI etc), events and just getting together to talk. Everybody is welcome: Technical, non-technical or just interested.

If you like to know more, be involved or are just curious: Just come to one of our regular meetups every third Wednesday of the Month at Makerversity Amsterdam.

In addition, we want to bring in speakers for each event, who can share their thoughts, experiences and/or wisdom. So if you know someone, let us know.

Follow us on twitter:SensemakersAMS (https://twitter.com/sensemakersa)