Online event | National Finals ClimateLaunchpad @AMS Institute


Hear how a new generation of ambitious entrepreneurs want to make a difference on the topic of (urban) climate. The ideas range from cool mobility conversions, savvy energy applications to circular business models.

Eight teams have been working all summer long to develop their urban sustainable business ideas. They have been talking to potential customers and producers and were coached by experts.

Now is the time to hear if they’re ready to turn ideas into reality. The finals are open for anyone who is eager to hear what these young great minds have come up with and maybe you can even help them along their journey to becoming a start-up. Would you like to join this online event? You can register here.

“The ClimateLaunchpad really helped to get us to the stage we wanted: pitching in front of an expert jury and a wide audience of interested stakeholders. Furthermore, thanks to ClimateLaunchpad, we got in touch with the ‘Arcadis City of 2030 Accelerator, Powered by Techstars’, one of the world’s leading accelerator programs, which we are now participating in!”

Which idea is ready for the next step?

The teams will each pitch for 3 minutes followed by Q&A. Prizes to be won are 2 tickets to the regional final (also digital), a 3-month free testing trial at the Marineterrein Living lab, an entry ticket for the AMS Start-up Booster program (pre-incubation program starting in the fall) and a free consultation with Boris Lambert of the Positive Venture group.

After the pitches, the panel will deliberate and in the meantime, the audience can vote for the public choice winner. To keep you entertained we have some interesting relaxation in store for you.

The teams will be judged by our panel of experts: Minouche Cramer & Ilona Kemps (Municipality of Amsterdam, Startup In Residence), Nadinè Galle (co-founder Green City Watch, MIT Senseable City Lab), Matthew Claudel (Co-founder and head of civic innovation MITdesignX).

ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition, initiated by EIT Climate-KIC.